Monday, March 30, 2009

One Year Portfolio Performance Update

Now that the subscriber newsletter is available on a free trial basis, I no longer see the need to detail some of the content that is available in the newsletter. The format is essentially unchanged from the beginning of the year, but since I have had several requests to provide quarterly updates of the performance of the VIX and More model portfolios, I will use this space to do just that.

Technically, the first quarter does not end for one more day, but since today is the one year anniversary of the launch of the newsletter, I thought it would be an ideal time to update the portfolio performance data.

The graphic below shows the 2008 and 2009 performance data for the three VIX and More portfolios. These are long-only portfolios of individual stocks that do not invest in ETFs or options and are rebalanced only on weekends. I call the top two portfolios Focus portfolios because each portfolio is limited to only five stocks. The Focus Growth 2 Model Portfolio was launched on August 31, 2008 and utilizes the S&P 500 index as a benchmark. The Focus Growth 2 portfolio was actually beating the benchmark until last week, when the top holding, DRDGOLD (DROOY), suffered a sharp decline.

The second Focus portfolio, Focus Foreign Growth, has been a standout performer, particularly in 2009. Launched on March 30, 2008 in the initial newsletter, this portfolio has been heavily invested in China in recent weeks, where top holding Shanda Interactive Entertainment (SNDA) has helped propel the portfolio to an 8.8% advantage over the benchmark EAFE (Europe, Australasia and the Far East) Index ETF (EFA).

The big success story has been what I call the Stock of the Week ‘Sequential Portfolio,’ whose name reflects the fact that the ‘portfolio’ consists of only one stock. Each selection is retained in the portfolio for one week only and is automatically replaced the following week, regardless of performance. Also launched on March 30, 2008 in the initial newsletter, the SOTW has gained a remarkable 101.6% during a period in which the benchmark S&P 500 index has declined more than 41%. Some of the top performers in the SOTW have been JDAS (+18.5%), WTI (+15.5%), MAXY (+14.5%), CCOI (+12.3%) and SQM (+11.0).

For those who may be interested, I will update the EVALS performance data tomorrow after the close and then update both these three portfolios and EVALS at the end of each subsequent quarter going forward.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Announcing Blogger Triple Play

While Direxion 3x ETFs have been a big hit since their launch back in November, deep down I have always thought I could do better. So today I am delighted to announce that VIX and More has joined forces with bloggers extraordinaire Jeff Pietsch of Market Rewind and Rob Hanna of Quantifiable Edges with a new 3x offer, the Blogger Triple Play.

For an annual subscription of $865, the Blogger Triple Play promises a savings of 25% from the combined monthly subscription prices of the three subscriptions if they had been purchased individually.

Included in the package is:

  1. Market Rewind – How does your portfolio stack up to the market? What's working now? Take a deep-dive each night into over 170 ETFs while maintaining a broad perspective over twelve major asset classes with Jeff Pietsch’s ETF Rewind Pro. If that weren't enough, actionable model portfolio ideas, mechanical timing signals, nightly commentary, pairs trading, and custom portfolio correlation and optimization analytics are all included!

  2. Quantifiable Edges – Start your week right with Rob Hanna's Quantifiable Edges Silver Subscription. Understand how recent market action compares historically. Get more detailed research than has ever been provided on the blog. Give yourself and your trading a Quantifiable Edge.

  3. VIX and More – My weekend subscriber letter goes beyond the blog to provide a global overview of what is moving the markets, from geopolitical events to macroeconomic issues and fundamental analysis, along with a detailed assessment of volatility and market sentiment. The newsletter is comprehensive in scope and focuses on all asset classes.

As part of the three-day trial period, you will receive three evening editions of Jeff's ETF Rewind Pro, as well as the most recent weekly subscriber letters from Quantifiable Edges and VIX and More for evaluation.

The annual subscription fee of $865 clears through Market Rewind's secure Paypal site under the Maple Park Management, LLC name. This inaugural pricing will not last! You aren't likely to find a better bargain for as much of a diverse informed edge anywhere else on the web. Why not give it a try?

Note: Each service is subject to the respective author's disclaimers and notices.